Puzzle and Math

Isfahan Mathematics House has been holding Puzzle and math courses for first to third grade students since 2014. In this course, students will be involved

Design Thinking Course

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the design thinking process. A process that helps us find solutions to complex problems. This

IMH History

The first mathematics house established in Isfahan (Iran) through the cooperation of some Iranian school teachers and university faculties since 1999 (Barbeau et. al., 2009). Currently, there are more than 30 mathematics houses across the country and also more mathematics houses have established in France, Belgium and etc. Recently an international network of Mathematics Houses has been organized at the 13th International Congress of Mathematics Education in Germany in 2016 to foster more international collaboration.

IMH Purpose

The purpose of creating a house of mathematics are Creating a scientific center to identify and review educational issues, Provide tacit education patterns for children and elementary students with games, Preparing teachers to teach mathematics correctly to understand concepts instead of memorizing them, Teamwork training, Highligth the use of mathematics in everyday life ,Understanding mathematical concepts using educational tools, Learn problem-solving methods, Creating team competition between students and Identify and strengthen talented faces, Continue to break the wall between teachers and university professors, Strengthen research among teachers, Creating an entrepreneurial spirit and the strength of interdisciplinary research.

What is IMH?

Isfahan Mathematics House (IMH) is a community center that aims to provide a learning environment and opportunities for students and teachers at all levels for experiencing deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and developing creativity through working on real-life problems by team work and cooperation. Also, we will present some of IMH activities, then we will discuss the necessity of popularizing statistics among the public by promoting and enhancing statistics education among the teachers and students. The last part will be devoted to what we have done at mathematics houses for this enhancement, and why we established a statistics house in Isfahan